/*********************************************** * Disable select-text script- ?? Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com) * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code ***********************************************/ //form tags to omit in NS6+: var omitformtags=["input", "textarea", "select"] omitformtags=omitformtags.join("|") function disableselect(e){ if (omitformtags.indexOf(e.target.tagName.toLowerCase())==-1) return false } function reEnable(){ return true } if (typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined") document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false") else{ document.onmousedown=disableselect document.onmouseup=reEnable } ? R O C K I N G L Y - S T Y L I S H (:
b e l o v e d .
[Your name]

All about yourself! :D
Just erase all the and write about yourself. after a sentence, put a [br] at the back of the sentence.
The [] cange to <>

<$MTEntryDate format="%B %e, %Y"$>
I wrote with LOVE (:

W E L C O M E .
U are now at url.bs.com

person LOVE me . <3

  • Spamming is alowed. But pls for goodness sake, Write your OWN name!

    ENJOY! :D
    Ripping is not allowed..
    Viewing source si also NOT allowed!

    Do remember to tag before ye leave!! xDDDD
    If u r just a passer-by,think before ye tag or u won't have a name or brains.

    This is my blog, my rules! =X
    No body is the boss of me! X)

    But copying is WORST!!
    P.S Do not copy xD

  • S c r e a m .
    cbox recommended

    L I S T E N ..
    music. imeem.com

    L O V E E E E E S
    write you loves here.

    G A M I N G I N F O..
    list the games u play too let ppl add u! :)

    U P C O M I N G S

    Events. list all down!

    D E A R S A N T A..
    your wants

    E S C A P E S..
    Tell me to link you if u want :D
    your links.


    C L A P S
    Designer rachelwan123
    Basecode Kodies
    Background Background